Prayer for the Canonisation of Fr Titus Zeman

Almighty God,
you called Fr Titus Zeman to follow the charism of St John Bosco.
Under the protection of the Help of Christians
he became a priest and teacher of the young.
He lived according to your commandments,
and was known and loved by his people
for his warmth of character and readiness to help anyone.
When the Church’s enemies suppressed human rights and freedom of faith
Fr Titus did not lose courage and persevered on the way of virtue.
For his faithfulness to the Salesian vocation
and his generous service of the Church he was imprisoned and tortured.
He bravely resisted his torturers and was humiliated and laughed at for it.
He suffered everything for love and in love.
We ask you, Almighty Father, to glorify your faithful servant
so that we may be able to venerate him as a Saint.
We ask you this through Jesus Christ your Son,
and through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, Help of Christians.